
With over 55 years experience in yacht manufacture we recognise the importance of environmental sustainability throughout the lifecycle of our product.

We aim to create a unique product while minimising its environmental impact and striving for continual improvement of the environmental management system.

Princess Yachts will:

  • Commit to identify, comply and where possible exceed compliance obligations that are appropriate to its activities
  • Prevent pollution to the environment by ensuring relevant considerations have been given in planning of operations, development and testing of the product
  • Ensure emergency procedures relating to environmental release are in place and tested
  • Ensure employees and those operating on our behalf are provided with relevant information and guidance to prevent pollution
  • Consider design solutions, on-board equipment and operational procedures which contribute to an environmental performance beyond identified compliance obligations
  • Effectively monitor and managed carbon emissions against the organisations activities in order to set targets and reduce impact
  • Improve the management of waste through effective application of the principles of the 'Waste Hierarchy'
  • Promote environmental awareness via inductions, briefs and training
  • Ensure environmental related complaints are resolved to the benefit of all stakeholders
  • Maintain a programme of continual environmental improvement through setting and reviewing objectives and appropriate action programmes